Giving Thanks

Ok, so I've been a total slacker in the blogging department.  I knew from the beginning that it would be questionable how often I shared my thoughts, but I thought I'd hang on a little longer.  Well now back to it....

It's Thanksgiving today.  I'm sitting at my parents house in Pennsylvania, listening to the sounds of our feast being prepared.  Since I woke up this morning I've been thinking about how much I have to be thankful for: 

For starters, I was lucky enough to be born in a time and place where food, shelter, education, and so many more things are available to me, practically without question.  Many (most, in fact) others in this world cannot say that.

Secondly, the overall condition of women in this world is horrendous and I have have been extraordinarily lucky to have been kept safe from abuse and mistreatment, that so many other women in this world must endure.  I am marrying a man who loves and respects me and I couldn't be more thankful.  Over the past few months, articles such as this Nicholas Kristof article from the New York Times have opened my eyes to the struggles of women everywhere.  It is today, on Thanksgiving, that I am making a promise to myself to not take for granted the luck I have had, and do what I can to make a difference.  I intend to start small... perhaps donating time and/or money to one of many organizations globally that seeks to advance the condition of women... and go from there.  I am serious about this mission, and welcome you to join me.

As a third and final giving of thanks, I am incredibly grateful for my family and friends who continue to support me each day.  Whether a simple phone call to say hello or a lavish engagement party hosted by my parents, I am so lucky to have people in my life that love and care for me.  I hope that I am able to return the love even half as much as I receive it.

So on that note, wishing you and your loved ones a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!


The start of a new season

My day started out with a pleasant stroll to Central Park, some time with a book, and a little bit of a schlaf. But upon returning home I got to work... laundry, cleaning, clearing out my e-mail inbox... all the sorts of things once does in preparation for a new season and a new outlook.

Labor Day is soon over and with it the end of Summer. I'm not sad though, I love the fall. More importantly, I love fall fashion! And next week does start New York Fashion Week... yay! Sweaters! Boots! Jackets! Oh, how I've missed thee! And so I digress... back to what I was getting at...

So summer is over. Fall is here. You get the picture. Rolling into the fall, I have two major priorities: #1 Job, #2 Wedding, #3 Project Honeymoon Bikini

#1 - Job
As mentioned in an earlier post, I've started a part-time consulting gig with a high-end fashion/beauty brand. A name I'm sure you'd all recognize... see past tweets for clues! It's going very well and it's nice to be back in an office at work. Even nicer is that I'm currently working 3 days a week, making the preparations for #2 much easier. I also still have a number of active interviews with several top fashion brands... I'm eager to turn one of these options into a full-time opportunity, although I will miss the part-time sched.

#2 - Wedding
So the plans have changed a bit and we are now planning a March 2010 wedding in Israel! I've managed to check off a few things from my list:

1 - Created a website:
2 - Got the dress!
3 - Registered
But I still would feel a lot better having the exact date/venue figured out. Which should happen soon... J's mom will be in Israel next week and is scoping out venues.

#3 - Project Honeymoon Bikini
Also on my wedding prep list which I plan on starting tomorrow, is Project Honeymoon Bikini. We don't yet have honeymoon plans, but it's going to be somewhere with a beach... and gosh-darn-it I want to look HOT! Not to mention that I wouldn't mind being a bit svelter for the wedding itself. Starting tomorrow I will be keeping a food journal. My goal is to cut down on white carbs, dairy, and dessert, and eat more fresh fruit + veggies. On the fitness side, I am planning to work out more. I'll be happy if I consistently workout 3-4 times a week for at least an hour each time.

So there you have it. Off to go put my white clothing in storage...

On the job...

Last week I was on the hunt... this week I'm on the job!

Yes, you heard me right. Now don't get too excited there, it's just a temporary consulting project... but it's one that I am very excited about. I am working 3 days a week for a major luxury brand, assisting with their digital marketing programs.

Now to all the recruiters and HR managers out there reading this (because some of you are reading this, right?) I am still very much interested in a full-time position, so please keep the opportunities coming!

More to report later...

On the hunt...

I'm officially on the hunt... still for my next job opportunity, but also for a wedding venue. First, a few updates on the job side of things:

I've actually been pleasantly surprised by the opportunities available in my field. I'm especially excited for a few interviews I have going on right now. And while not interviewing I have been doing some consulting work for small businesses needing digital marketing expertise. It's been a great experience and I wonder whether I could make consulting into something more official. We shall see.

On the wedding side of things... we are officially having two weddings. Yes, you heard me. Two countries, two ceremonies, two parties... two weddings! Doesn't sound so bad, right? It's not... but it does mean double the wedding planning, which is stressful enough just planning one.

Between job applications and wedding planning I really feel like I have a full time job. This morning alone, I received 3 phone calls from recruiters, 1 call from a wedding venue, and even more emails on both accounts. The week is starting off right! Now if only I can nail the interview I have later today... :)

ZOMG! Engaged!

I'm engaged! Day 4 and it still feels surreal. I'm trying to balance the job hunt with the excitement of an upcoming wedding, but it's tough! So many calls, emails, and messages wishing us the best... it's really magical. I'm so excited to be marrying the greatest guy ever!!

Since I know you'll be asking for "the story" of how it went down, here you go:

Jonathan had been away for the weekend at a nerd-fest (aka Otakon) in Baltimore. He had left on Thursday so Tamar spent the weekend doing girly things with her sister who was visiting from PA. By Sunday evening Tamar was really missing “her Jon-Jon,” but he wasn’t scheduled to be home until Monday morning.

On Monday Tamar had a meeting that started early, so Jonathan and Tamar missed the chance to see each other before Jonathan headed to work. They agreed instead to meet for lunch at the appropriately named Grand Central Terminal at 12:30. Tamar was a few minutes early, so she waited patiently in the center of the main hall, under the starry ceiling, for Jonathan to show up.

A few minutes later he did… baring a bouquet of red roses. She was thrilled to see him (and the thoughtful flowers) and gave him a big hug. She noticed right away that his heart was beating unusually fast, and she pondered momentarily as to what could make this usually calm, cool, and collected dude so nervous. She didn’t have to think about it too long though…

Jonathan said, “I have something else for you too...” as he reached into his pocket and took out a black velvet ring box. Tamar was pretty sure she understood what this was all about but was in a bit of a shock. Brave Jonathan stooped down to one knee and asked Tamar (in so many words) if she will marry him. Tamar was fairly speechless but most likely said something to the effect of “Hell Yea!” because within a few moments they are hugging and kissing right in the middle of Grand Central. Jonathan later recounted that there were two little old ladies watching the whole thing transpire and whispering happily amongst themselves. Tamar spent the rest of the day with a goofy grin plastered across her face.


Really looking forward to the next few days. That is all for now. More info later. :)

Friday, Friday, Friday, Friday

Ok, so considering I don't have a job....... I've been really busy this week!! Started off well with a few fun experiences (see previous post) and ended on a professional note with some interviews that went very well.

For the first time this week I feel like I have a few hours of downtime... now how should I use it? I'm thinking a little Sims 3 action... Peace out! Have a great weekend!